Jun 25, 2021
What you need to know about how a divorce can impact your retirement planning.
Jun 24, 2021
Learn whether you're still allowed to contribute the maximum to your TSP account if you only work half the year and more.
Jun 21, 2021
Divorce is generally not a fun topic, but when you are considering retirement, it is a necessary discussion to have. For many people, the terms and conditions of a divorce can come back to haunt them—even decades later—if they are not completely settled upon in the beginning. So in this episode, Micah and Tammy will...
Jun 18, 2021
Questions to ask yourself to ensure you're properly balancing your social security and TSP so you get the most benefit.
You can find more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3gsha7T
Jun 17, 2021
Learn what you need to know about how to avoid unexpected taxes on your pension.
You can find more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3iKo3D2