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Plan Your Federal Retirement Podcast

Oct 30, 2024

"Yes, my name is Marty. I like to know about FERS, if there is a maximum amount of years that I can work and then it is no longer counted towards my retirement calculation. For instance, if I was on the Csrs, I believe the cut off is like 42 years. Is it the same for first? Thank you." - Martha

Oct 21, 2024

Understanding how to navigate taxes in retirement is crucial for preserving your hard-earned income. From Roth conversions to Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), implementing effective tax strategies can significantly impact your financial future. Recognizing the importance of Required Minimum Distributions...

Oct 16, 2024

Yes, my name is Martha, and I tune into as many of your podcasts as I can, for your valuable information, I have a question regarding part time work previously, I thought that each year of part time service counted as a full year towards my years of principal service. But I was listening to a recent podcast by JT titled...